Asheville Doula Updates and News

Our Village Asheville

Welcome to Our Village Asheville. As a doula I support families in Asheville and the surrounding mountain area during an amazing time in life. Growing a child from inside and out is an amazing process to be a part of. We all do it a little differently, and enter our life transitions at different times, but we are in this together. We are raising the next generation of awesomeness. Part of building a village is connecting to all of our local resources. Finding the people that we want to connect with and the support we need to be healthy families. In Asheville we are fortunate to have a wide array of options to choose from when we are supporting ourselves from conception-postpartum. We are all coming from different places, with different support systems. There is likely a business or resource out there for you right now. Let’s build these connections between families and businesses and take the next step to building Our Village Asheville.

Thank you One Love Chiropractic for Hosting our Our Village Asheville Support Group at your office on Merrimon Ave. We meet every other Friday from 4-6pm.

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Make Your Own Postpartum Herbal Sitz Bath

Making Your Own Postpartum Herbal Sitz Bath

In our busy world it can be challenging to take the time to care for ourselves. The first few days after your labor and birth are full of emotion and awe and it is easy to forget that our bodies need time to heal. Taking a postpartum herbal sitz bath can be a great way to pamper yourself while supporting healing, soothing soreness, aiding in the shrinking of hemorrhoids, reducing inflammation, and preventing infection. A sitz bath is a small plastic tub you put over your toilet that allows you to sit in warm water up to your hips. It is generally regarded as safe to use with tearing and stitches, but limit to once a day. As usual, always check-in with your healthcare provider.


This is a fun and easy recipe to make for yourself or to give as a gift:

*Mix 1 cup sea salt with 8-10 oz. dried herbs.

*Store in a glass jar out of direct sunlight.


Sea Salt- is a natural detoxifier, providing the minerals the body needs to speed up healing and recovery

A few herbal allies I like  to choose from:

Lavender Flowers- this memorable flower is known to be relaxing and soothing to the mind and body, it promotes restfulness, has antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant properties and helps sooth tired and sore muscles,plantain

Plantain Leaf- this simple garden “weed” is astringent, promotes wound healing and reduces skin inflammation

Yarrow Leaves and Flowers- an effective anti-inflammatory herb that promotes wound healing, relieves smooth muscle spasms, toning herb with antimicrobial actions

Calendula Flowers- this beautiful flower opposes fungi, bacteria, viruses and inflammation, it is used to support healing skin conditions of all kinds

Chamomile Flowers- these small flowers are well-known for their anti-inflammatory  and mild sedative properties, they assist wound healinglemon balm

Lemon Balm Leaves- this fragrant herb has antispasmodic and nervine properties, it is antiseptic

Witch Hazel Bark- this tree is known for it’s anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, you can also choose to use add ⅓ cup of a liquid commercial preparation to your herbal tea blend


To make bath tea: Add 1 cup dried herbal bath blend to 2 quarts boiling water. Let cool to a comfortable temperature before using.

A few ways  to use your postpartum herbal sitz bath tea:

*Sitz Bath- fill sitz bath with warm herbal tea 1-2 times a day

*Frozen Pads- soak overnight pads with herbal tea and place in freezer

*Peri Bottle- fill the bottle with warm tea and use to rinse while using the bathroom

*Herbal compress- soak a washcloth in herbal tea and apply warm or cold to the perineum as needed


Enjoy this time to pamper yourself and heal your body. You can add to the mood by turning on some relaxing music and giving yourself a few moments to breathe and reflect. Being a new mom can be a lot to take in, find the support you need to meet your needs.


Live Music With Your Baby

Baby with headphones and matching Moby wrap enjoying live music concert with his mom.

Live Music With a Baby? For me it wasn’t a question. Some of my favorite forever memories have been dancing with my babies. I love experiencing it with them and seeing the joy as they notice every small note and passerby. My kids have different instruments and songs they like more than others, their own little musical personalities . They will be into playing with something, and when a the music starts playing  a little bounce starts to form and they turn to look at where the music is coming from. This is the fun part of parenting for me, watching them and then letting them see things for themselves for the first time. Live music adds a way for me to connect with my kids while meeting my own needs. I am convinced to show my little ones that music doesn’t just “come from” a car radio or an Ipod just as much as they should learn first hand that a carrot doesn’t “come from” the grocery store.

A few tips from a pro…

  1. Know Your Baby. Only you know your baby’s temperament and needs. Some little one’s thrive with loud noises and will sleep anywhere, others may need a quiet, familiar place to rest. When you are planning to go see live music or a festival with baby in tow, think about how your little one is at home before taking them to a place where your normal resources are limited. You can both “practice” at home leading up to an event with YouTube videos of the music you will be seeing. Follow their lead.
  1. Avoid going with a large group if you can. (If you have a large crowd, you can split up into smaller groups.) I like to go to shows with me and one child or with a few patient companions (you know who you are on my team). Sure, there may be a opportunity to meet up with friends and other families, but you won’t be disappointed or discouraged with trying to meet someone when the baby just fell asleep or your toddler wants to run the other way. This is a great time to focus on their needs and I am often reminded how they are quite simple compared to some adults I have traveled with :).
  1. Research the venue. You may be surprised at some places accommodation of little ones or appalled by how inflexible some seem to be. This is where preparing in advance is important. Check on the more obvious things like, will my baby/kids need their own tickets, is there a age limit, can you bring your own food and drinks, best parking places, is there a fun area or park to hang out before the show or if naps are needed. We are very lucky in Asheville to be close to many great family-friendly music venues and festivals. My favorite festivals every year are Merlefest and LEAF, both are big musical camps for the whole family. They are a great place to try out festivals and family camping. Baby wearing his headphones at a live music festival with his family.
  1. Check the weather and bring appropriate gear. Not that bad weather has to stop you from going to a show, but you won’t have a good time without the right gear. Have your bag packed with extra essentials, for you and your little ones. You don’t want to have to  turn back for a extra pair of pants or a not having your rain gear. If it’s convenient to bring extra supplies, I enjoy having a folding chair and a umbrella to keep sun/rain off my team and fun activities like glow sticks, bubbles and dress-up clothes.
  1. Feed and hydrate yourself, as well as your team. Everyone will have more fun and flexibility if they aren’t hungry and thirsty on top of being tired and in a new place. Try and eat snacks with protein and stay hydrated by drinking water instead of sugary treats and drinks. Everyone will last longer without sugar crashes controlling the day. Look into what venues allow to bring to different events and what type of vending will be able.
  1. How to carry your baby? No matter where you are going with your little one it will be important to have a way to carry them. There are many baby carriers and strollers to choose from. I recommend to stick with what you are used to or already have. Having a lightweight stroller and a carrier like a Moby or a Ergo/Tula can be your best friend. If you are deciding whether to bring a stroller or not, they do a great job holding everyone’s stuff even if your baby doesn’t need a ride. Keep in mind if it is supposed to be hot/cold and how far you will be walking to help you choose what clothing for you both to wear to be comfortable and enjoy your date with your family.grace headphones peter rowan
  1. Bring ear protection. Some kids are quite sensitive to loud noises. You can get simple headphones to keep the noise at a safe and comfortable level. I purchased mine locally at The Littlest Birds
  1. Be flexible. All of the other recommendations are forms of this. As with most things with babies and young children “the plan” will change a bit, like naps needed when your favorite band starts to play. Remembering you are there experiencing the music or festival with them can help keep the focus on their needs so you can enjoy meeting your needs too. Have fun and enjoy making musical memories with your family!

Doula Home

Welcome! I hope this page points you in the right direction, wherever that may be. Meet Your Needs. My name is Elizabeth Bloomquist and I am a Birth and Postpartum Doula serving Asheville and WNC.